Jul 06 2015 @ 06:42
After the Greek voters rejected the terms of the bailout programme on Sunday, market reaction has been more subdued than some may have expected. The referendum results came in with 61.3% voting “No”, versus 38.7% who voted “Yes”. But the big decider could come today at the European Central Bank where the governing council will […]
Jun 30 2015 @ 10:51
Economic data released today seemed to be doing most of the Brexit campaigning without Nigel Farage having to so much as put down his pint. Italian unemployment statistics this morning showed that Italy’s unemployment rate held flat at 12.4 percent in May. This was despite some recent more promising data suggesting that European private credit […]
Jun 30 2015 @ 10:38
More than any market, China is dominated by domestic retail investors. Speaking on Tip TV, Chris Justham, Relationship Manager for Seven Investment Management says that we should watch out for the effects of highly leveraged “circular investors” borrowing against their existing portfolio and reinvesting that cash back through their brokerage accounts. Authorities in Beijing have...
Jun 19 2015 @ 08:52
In an exclusive interview with Tip TV, David Lenigas, Chairman of UK Oil and Gas, Rare Earth Minerals and AfriAg talked about the Horse Hill developments close to Gatwick Airport. With the announcement of the discovery in April, the shares shot up 164 percent, and the AIM shares were suspended pending an announcement on reserves. […]
Jun 19 2015 @ 07:53
Whether Eurozone authorities choose to boot Greece out of the treehouse or carry on picking up the tab every time they head towards default, they need to make a decision and stick to it says David Buik, senior market commentator for Panmure Gordon. European Central Bank talks continue today as they continue to try to […]