RNS Number:5453I
Metalrax Group PLC
11 March 2003

AND SUBSIDIARY UNDERTAKINGS                                                                    11th March 2003

PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT with regard to the consolidated accounts for the year
ended 31st December 2002.

Pre-tax profits up 6.3% to #12.3m on new record turnover of #111.7m
"Robust performance in difficult circumstances"
"Another year of satisfactory progress" anticipated

Metalrax Group PLC, the engineering specialists, announce pre-tax profit up by
6.3% to #12.3m on record sales of #111.7m up by 2.9% on 2001 (#108.5m).
Earnings per share are up by 6.1% to 7.09p.

The Board statement calls this "a robust trading performance in difficult
economic circumstances".

A final dividend of 3.75p per share is recommended making an unchanged 5.4p per
share for the full year representing a dividend yield of over 8% per annum
during a substantial part of the year.

Net funds retained in bank balances increased by more than 50% to #11.1m.

For the future "......there are encouraging indications that positive trading
momentum is being maintained and new opportunities identified.  If it can
successfully escape.......events beyond our control the group can look forward
to another year of satisfactory progress".


Copies of the board statement and preliminary results follow.
Further information:  Mr Eric Moore, chairman  -  Telephone:  0121-433 3444

Board Statement


A robust trading performance in difficult economic circumstances produced
another year of record turnover which increased in the twelve months to 31st
December 2002 to #111.671m, compared with #108.543m in the previous year.  This
provided a strong platform for growth in earnings, with group profit before
taxation rising by 6.3 per cent to #12.337m from #11.610m.  These encouraging
figures reflected our ability to react and adapt quickly to changes in global
markets, where demand fluctuations have been extreme, while still meeting the
challenge of retaining the competitive edge for customers.


The directors are recommending an unchanged final dividend at the rate of 3.75
pence per share, which together with the interim dividend of 1.65 pence per
share paid in October 2002, will again bring the total distribution for the year
to 5.4 pence per share.  Subject to it being approved at the annual general
meeting on 20th May 2003 the final dividend will be payable on 30th May 2003 to
shareholders on the register of members at the close of business on 9th May
2003.  A dividend yield in excess of 8 per cent per annum, tax paid, has
continued during a substantial part of the year under review.

Shareholders' Funds

Our continuing emphasis on cash management has been well rewarded, with net cash
inflow from operating activities of #16.01m exceeding pre-tax profits for the
sixth year in succession.  The resulting net funds retained in bank balances
increased by more than 50% to #11.11m, leaving substantial cash resources
available for internal investment, corporate acquisitions and possible market
purchases of our own shares.  Total shareholders' funds have risen to above
#52m, representing an asset value approaching 44 pence per share.


With international and domestic news bulletins dominated by questions relating
to war, terrorism and personal security it is more than ever difficult to
predict the short to medium term spending patterns of consumers, and the
ultimate effect on demand from customers.

Despite these immediate concerns there are encouraging indications that positive
trading momentum is being maintained and new opportunities identified.  If it
can successfully escape the repercussions of global events beyond our control
the group can look forward to another year of satisfactory progress.

                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2002

                                                             2002                         2001
                                                        #'000            #'000       #'000           #'000

Continuing operations                                  107412                       102859

Discontinued                                             4259                         5684
                                                        =====                        =====
                                                                        111671                      108543
Cost of sales                                                            82055                       79105
                                                                     ---------                    --------
GROSS PROFIT                                                             29616                       29438
Operating expenses

Goodwill amortisation                                     307                          268
Other                                                   17221                        17617
                                                        =====                      =======
                                                                         17528                       17885
                                                                      --------                    --------
Continuing operations                                   11819                        11678
Discontinued                                              269                        (125)
                                                     --------                     --------
                                                                         12088                       11553
Exceptional items                                                          142                           -
                                                                      --------                    --------
ACTIVITIES BEFORE INTEREST                                               12230                       11553
Interest receivable                                                        209                         234
                                                                      --------                     -------

                                                                         12439                       11787
Interest payable                                                           102                         177
                                                                      --------                    --------
ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION                                               12337                       11610

TAXATION                                                                  3670                        3541
                                                                      --------                    --------
ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION                                                 8667                        8069

Minority interests - equity interests                                      134                          29
                                                                      --------                    --------
PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR                                             8533                        8040

Interim of 1.65p per share (2001 : 1.65p)                1988                         1985
Proposed final of 3.75p (2001 : 3.75p)                   4496                         4510
                                                     ========                     ========
                                                                          6484                        6495
                                                                      --------                    --------
RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                                              2049                        1545
                                                                      ========                    ========

EARNINGS PER SHARE - basic                                          7.09 pence                  6.68 pence

The group profit for the financial year #8,533,000
related to 120,366,788, being the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue during the year
(2001 : 120,270,740)


                               FOR THE YEAR ENDED
                               31ST DECEMBER 2002

                                                                                    2002               2001
                                                                                   #'000              #'000

Profit for the financial year                                                       8533               8040

Exchange fluctuation on foreign currency investments                               (209)                 51
                                                                                --------           --------

Total recognised gains and losses for the financial year                            8324               8091
Prior year adjustment                                                              (490)
Total recognised gains and losses since last annual report                          7834


                                            FOR THE YEAR ENDED
                                            31ST DECEMBER 2002

                                                                                    2002               2001
                                                                                   #'000              #'000

Profit for the financial year                                                       8533               8040
Dividends                                                                         (6484)             (6495)
                                                                                --------           --------
                                                                                    2049               1545
New share capital subscribed                                                         408                  -
Purchase of own shares                                                             (709)                  -
Exchange fluctuation on foreign  currency investments                              (209)                 51
                                                                                --------           --------

Net addition to shareholders' funds                                                 1539               1596
Opening shareholders' funds                                                        50550              48954
                                                                                --------           --------

Closing shareholders' funds                                                        52089              50550
                                                                                ========           ========

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                               31ST DECEMBER 2002

                                                            2002                         2001
                                                         #'000         #'000        #'000            #'000

Intangible assets                                                       5189                          5397
Tangible assets                                                        25528                         26116
Investments                                                                -                           200
                                                                    --------                      --------
CURRENT ASSETS                                                         30717                         31713

Stocks                                                   15961                      18149
Debtors                                                  20473                      22648
Freehold property for disposal                               -                       1040
Cash at bank                                             11108                       9310
                                                      --------                   --------
                                                         47542                      51147
                                                      ========                   ========

Amounts falling due within one year                      23629                      27487
                                                      ========                   ========

Net current assets                                                     23913                         23660
                                                                    --------                      --------

Total assets less current liabilities                                  54630                         55373


Amounts falling due after more than                                      211                     2333
one year
                                                                    --------                      --------
                                                                       54419                         53040


Deferred taxation                                                       1953                          1916
                                                                    --------                      --------
NET ASSETS                                                             52466                         51124
                                                                    ========                      ========
Financed by:


Called up share capital                                                 5995                          6014
Share premium account                                                   2732                          2355
Capital redemption reserve                                               274                           224
Profit and loss account                                                43088                         41957
                                                                    --------                      --------

Shareholders' funds - equity interests                                 52089                         50550
Minority interests - equity interests                                    377                           574
                                                                    --------                      --------

                                                                       52466                         51124
                                                                    ========                      ========

                              CASH FLOW STATEMENT

                               FOR THE YEAR ENDED
                               31ST DECEMBER 2002

                                                                 2002                     2001
                                                              #'000       #'000       #'000        #'000

Cash inflow from operating activities
Continuing operations                                                     16014                    17224

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                               209                     234
Interest paid                                                 (102)                   (177)
                                                           ========                 =======
Net cash inflow from returns on investments and
servicing of finance                                                        107                       57

Taxation paid                                                            (4036)                   (4158)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                            (3139)                  (3660)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                                   142                     232
Purchase of goodwill                                              -                   (182)
                                                           ========                 =======

Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and
 financial investment                                                    (2997)                   (3610)

Acquisitions and disposals
Adjustment to purchase price of subsidiary                     (13)                   (667)
Bank balances acquired with subsidiaries                          -                     105
Disposal of subsidiary, less its bank balance                   278                       -
                                                           ========                 =======

Net cash inflow from acquisitions and disposals                             265                    (562)

Equity dividends paid                                                    (6498)                   (6495)
                                                                       --------                 --------

Cash inflow before management of liquid
resources and financing                                                    2855                     2456

Management of liquid resources
Increase in short term deposits                                 (4)                  (1809)
                                                           ========                 =======

Net cash outflow for management of liquid
Resources                                                                   (4)                   (1809)

Issue of ordinary share capital                                 408                       -
Purchase of own shares                                        (709)                       -
Borrowings repaid                                             (749)                   (549)
                                                           ========                 =======

Net cash outflow for financing                                           (1050)                    (549)
                                                                       --------                 --------

Increase in cash in the period                                             1801                       98
                                                                       ========                 ========

                        NOTES ON THE CASH FLOW STATEMENT
                               FOR THE YEAR ENDED
                               31ST DECEMBER 2002
                                                                                    2002          2001
                                                                                 Continuing    Continuing
                                                                                   #'000          #'000
1. Reconciliation of operating  profit to net
cash flow from operating activities

Operating profit                                                                       12088           11553
Depreciation, net of disposal surpluses                                                 3332            3267
Amortisation of goodwill                                                                 307             268
Decrease in stocks                                                                       960           (590)
Decrease in debtors                                                                     1529           (681)
Decrease in creditors                                                                 (2032)            3407
Exceptional reorganisation costs                                                       (170)               -

                                                                                    --------        --------

Net cash inflow from operating activities                                              16014           17224
                                                                                    ========        ========

                                                               2002                         2001
                                                           #'000          #'000        #'000           #'000
2.  Reconciliation of net cash flow to
movement in net funds

Increase in cash in the period                              1801                          98
Cash outflow for decrease in debt                            749                         549
Cash outflow for increase in liquid
Resources                                                      4                        1809
                                                        --------                    --------

                                                                           2554                         2456
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                                     137                         (66)
Debt disposed of with subsidiary                                           1153                            -
                                                                       --------                     --------

Movement in net funds in the period                                        3844                         2390

Net funds at 31st December 2001                                            7264                         4874
                                                                       --------                     --------

Net funds at 31st December 2002                                           11108                         7264
                                                                       ========                     ========

                                                       At                               exchange          At
                                                 31.12.01     Cashflow     Disposal     movement    31.12.02
                                                    #'000        #'000        #'000        #'000       #'000

3.  Analysis of net funds

Bank balances                                        4577         1801                       (7)        6371
Short term deposits                                  4733            4                         -        4737
                                                 --------                                           --------

Cash at bank per balance sheet                       9310                                              11108
Debt                                               (2046)          749         1153          144           -
                                                 --------     --------     --------     --------    --------

                                                     7264         2554         1153          137       11108
                                                 ========     ========     ========     ========     =======

                        NOTES ON THE CASH FLOW STATEMENT

                               FOR THE YEAR ENDED
                               31ST DECEMBER 2002

                                                                                           2002         2001
                                                                                          #'000        #'000
4. Purchase of subsidiary undertakings

Cash consideration                                                                            -          594
Bank balances acquired                                                                        -        (105)
Additional consideration                                                                     13           73
                                                                                       --------     --------

Net cash outflow                                                                             13          562
                                                                                       ========     ========

5.  Sale of subsidiary undertaking

Cash consideration                                                                          308
Deferred consideration                                                                     1149

Fixed assets                                                                                177
Current assets                                                                             2697
Bank balance                                                                                 30
Current liabilities                                                                       (529)
Debt                                                                                     (1153)

Less: Minority interest                                                                     277

Profit on disposal                                                                          512

The subsidiary undertaking disposed of during the year did not have a material
effect on the group's net cash inflow from operating activities and therefore
the cash flows of the subsidiary have not been separately reported but are
included within continuing operations.


                               31ST DECEMBER 2002


Analysis by activity:-

                                             2002                                    2001
                                                                Net                                    Net
                                            Operating     Operating                 Operating    Operating
                               Turnover        Profit        Assets     Turnover       Profit       Assets
                                  #'000         #'000         #'000        #'000        #'000        #'000

Engineering and storage
Products                          56835          7181         22540        55281         6930        22256
Housewares                        54836          4907         21191        53262         4623        24982
                               --------      --------      --------     --------     --------     --------
                                 111671         12088         43731       108543        11553        47238
                               ========      ========                   ========     ========

Unallocated net assets                                         8735                                   3886
                                                           --------                               --------
                                                              52466                                  51124
                                                           ========                               ========

Geographical analysis by origin:-
                                             2002                                    2001
                                                                Net                                    Net
                                            Operating     Operating                 Operating    Operating
                               Turnover        Profit        Profit     Turnover       Profit       Profit
                                  #'000         #'000         #'000        #'000        #'000        #'000

United Kingdom                   103666         11251         50618        99618        11209        48447
North America                      8005           837          1848         8925          344         2677
                               --------      --------      --------      -------     --------     --------

                                 111671         12088         52466       108543        11553        51124
                               ========      ========      ======== ========     ========          =======

Geographical turnover analysis by destination:-
                                                               2002                                   2001
                                                              #'000                                  #'000

North America                                                 10739                                  10869
Austria                                                        1658                                   1554
France                                                          805                                   1068
Germany                                                         739                                   1432
Eire                                                            705                                    741
Italy                                                           694                                    428
Holland                                                         607                                    592
Spain                                                           585                                    605
Sweden                                                          508                                    508
Rest of Europe                                                 1387                                   1520
Africa                                                          186                                     99
Far East, Australia and other                                  1206                                   1149
United Kingdom                                                91852                                  87978
                                                           --------                               --------
                                                             111671                                 108543
                                                           ========                                =======

The annual general meeting will be convened for Tuesday, 20th May 2003.

Copies of the Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders on 23rd April
2003 and will be available from the same date to the public from:-

The Secretary
Metalrax Group PLC
Ardath Road
Kings Norton
B38 9PN

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange