RNS Number:9462S
East Surrey Holdings PLC
05 December 2003

           East Surrey Holdings plc ("East Surrey" or "the Company")

                               Director's dealing

The Company was informed today that, pursuant to purchases of ordinary shares of
5p each in the Company ("Ordinary Shares") on 4 December 2003 by the trustee of
the East Surrey Holdings Share Incentive Plan ("the Plan"), Mr. P Holder and Mr.
N Fisher both purchased 41 Ordinary Shares at a price of 301p per share.  In
addition, pursuant to the rules of the Plan, Messrs. Holder and Fisher were both
granted a further 8 Ordinary Shares for nil consideration.  These shares are to
be registered in the name Capita IRG Trustees Limited.   Following these
purchases and grants Mr. Holder has an interest in 108,999 Ordinary Shares and
Mr. Fisher has an interest in 16,582 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately
0.22 per cent. and 0.03 per cent. of the issued ordinary share capital of the
Company respectively.

5 December 2003

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange