Kool Aid Man
3 days ago
Jason Hoon Chang...International Man of Mystery---
From the get-go John K. Park claimed he was a ''leading international shipper" having shipped "160 containers" worth of products (without verification mind you). He also led people to believe he had existing financing to swing his deals.
Yet when he pulled this same scam with $NHMD he apparently needed the involvement of another company --"CNL GROUP INC" headed by Jason Hoon Chang and Miguel Alcala in addition to $550k from $NHMD.
1) Jason Chang's biography posted by Park and elsewhere only cites a work history with VERIZON. Nothing at all about shipping or commodities.
2) Contrary to Park's PR's -and the following agreement with $NHMD-- there is no CNL Group INC... rather it's an LLC. So until I figured that out there was zero info on CNL "Inc." Here's the info on it--
Cnl Group, LLC
Georgetown, SC 29440
Contact: Hoon Chang
Title: MBR
Phone: (678) 622-0415
Cnl Group, LLC is the only company located at 34 WINDSOR DR, Georgetown, SC 29440
Business Description
Cnl Group is located in Georgetown, South Carolina. This organization primarily operates in the Investors, nec business / industry within the Holding and Other Investment Offices sector. This organization has been operating for approximately 5 years. Cnl Group is estimated to generate >>$89,765<< in annual revenues, and employs approximately 4 people at this single location.
https://www.buzzfile.com/business/Cnl-Group,-LLC-678-622-0415 NOTHING ABOUT SHIPPING. Here are the IRS business industry codes https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-soi/18pf_business_codes.pdf
Dun & Bradstreet might provide more info (subscription required)
The address listed in the Buzzfile link above is a residential home in a rural pine forest. However, when you search for just the address it lists other people living there...not Chang or CNL
Again...Chang signed a deal between the non-existent CNL "Inc." Nate said $NHMD paid $100k to Chang/CNL then they demanded another $450k more ($550k total). Nate rightly balked two days before Park jumped to $SPZI on 12/8/23. IMO no one operating in good faith would do that. Park obviously had been in negotiations with SPZI long before then. Such things don't just happen in TWO DAYS..
Nate uploaded the following agreements and contracts in his final SEC filing in February. As you can see he writes---" In November 2023, the Company was approached by CNL Group and Jason Hoon Chang about being retained to secure Sugar and Chicken contracts on behalf of Nateโs Food Co. After a meeting with Jason Hoon Chang and Miguel Alcala in Atlanta on November 18-21, 2023, we retained the services of CNL Group and Jason Hoon Chang to work on securing contracts for Sugar and Chicken and signed an Agreement with CNL (a copy of which is attached as an Exhibit 9.1)
Apparently they met face-to-face.
4 days ago
And let's not forget the bullsh&t surrounding Rolf Bela Wenz
Here is an egregious lie posted one year ago on the Spooz site on on X/Twitter:
$SPZI JP 3E Holdings, Inc. Names 2 Prominent Board of Directors; Rolf Bela Wenz, grandson of Krupp Founding Family and and Kisoo Kim, former Executive President of Korea Gas Corp (KOGAS)
These people prey on the lack of education and the impulsive greed of OTC investors.
The Krupp family after the Second World War separated and Divested itself from the Krupp industrial Group. They set up a charitable foundation in order to pay for some of the lousy behavior of Krupp during the Second World War, where they profited off of the Nazi war machine. The last direct Krupp descendant died in 1986! .... look it up! ... there are no Krupps associated with the Krupp industrial group for going on 7 decades.
Just a shitty lie and .... the idiots on the OTC lap it up like Mother's milk
And as part of this lie they claim that he started working for Krupp in 1974. This would make him in his mid to late 70s at the very least, and his photo is clearly of someone in his late 40s to early 50s.
Like I said .... poorly educated greedy impulsive idiots on the OTC ..... The Sine qua non of OTC scams
I ll be back
4 days ago
This rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper.
CLEARWATER, Fla., Jan. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- JP 3E Holdings, Inc., formerly Spooz, Inc. (OTC: SPZI), engages Jason Meyer as Corporate Legal Partner. The company also introduces Jason Hoon Chang as President of JP Energy Group, LLC, wholly-owned subsidiary of JP 3E Holdings, Inc. Miguel Alcala will serve as Vice President for JP Energy Group, LLC.
Unfortunately, CNL has ceased providing updates to the Company, and we have recently discovered that Jason Hoon Chang and Miguel Alcala have been hired by a third-party company. We have reason to suspect that the $150,000 we provided may have been diverted to cover expenses for this third-party entity, such as travel. Furthermore, it has come to our attention that Jason Chang and Miguel Alcala have undertaken business trips to China and Brazil on behalf of this third-party company.
So, now we find out that the President of JP 3E has likely stolen some $150,000. This story just keeps getting more interesting.
Kool Aid Man
5 days ago
NHMD--- (Posted 2/12/24) In November 2023, the Company (NHMD) was approached by CNL Group and Jason Hoon Chang about being retained to secure Sugar and Chicken contracts on behalf of Nateโs Food Co. After a meeting with Jason Hoon Chang and Miguel Alcala in Atlanta on November 18-21, 2023, we retained the services of CNL Group and Jason Hoon Chang to work on securing contracts for Sugar and Chicken and signed an Agreement with CNL (a copy of which is attached as an Exhibit 9.1)
In accordance with our commitment, the Company disbursed $150,000 to CNL Group and Jason Chang, as specified in the agreement. Additionally, in November 2023, CNL provided us with a draft contract for a sugar transaction with an anticipated shipping date by the end of December 2023. To proceed with this transaction and secure the sugar, they requested the $150,000, and you can review a copy of the draft contract in Exhibit 9.2. Subsequently, following trips to Panama and South America, Jason Chang informed the company of a shipment delay, which we promptly communicated to our shareholders, with the revised shipping date now set for the end of January.
Unfortunately, CNL has ceased providing updates to the Company, and we have recently discovered that Jason Hoon Chang and Miguel Alcala have been hired by a third-party company. We have reason to suspect that the $150,000 we provided may have been diverted to cover expenses for this third-party entity, such as travel. Furthermore, it has come to our attention that Jason Chang and Miguel Alcala have undertaken business trips to China and Brazil on behalf of this third-party company.
Our concerns about the funds being used for the benefit of this third-party company are partially based by the fact that we facilitated a $100,000 loan to this third-party company, which remains outstanding. The third-party company has communicated their inability to repay the loan to the lender due to a lack of sufficient funds and has said they would provide a plan for repayment (which has not materialized).
As a result, we have reason to suspect that our funds may have been utilized for the advantage of this third-party entity, which, as we understand, might not have had the necessary resources to carry out its own transactions. We are keen to ascertain whether this was the intended arrangement from the outset - that our funds were to be used to facilitate the completion of transactions for the third party, with the intention of later reimbursing our company from the proceeds of these third-party deals and saying our deals didnโt materialize.
Considering these circumstances, the Company has decided that it will elevate this issue to our legal team for a thorough examination of how and where the funds provided by the Company were utilized and who ultimately benefited from them. Following this extensive review, the Company will take the necessary steps as recommended by our legal advisors. Scroll to the bottom of this link to see the actual agreements/contracts between Nate and Jason Hoon Chang's CNL Group.
Also note that Nate incorporated OMNI COMMODITIES LLC in Wyoming on as a subsidiary on 11/22/23. https://wyobiz.wyo.gov/Business/FilingDetails.aspx?eFNum=210059232175191025155028240251238005088053193106
The commodities contract was dated 4 days later on 11/23/23. The "Agreement" between Nate and Chang (CNL Group) was signed and dated on 11/26/23
(1/30/24) "SPZI...Introduces Jason Hoon Chang and Miguel Alcala"
Funny that Park made no mention of their antics with NHMD 2 months earlier!
6 days ago
Am I holding a winner ?
As the PPS falls a little bit, at the end of the day do I see improvement ? The buy to sell ratio is improving and SPZI is showing up more and more on different boards, breakout board, most read, most posted(sad, 85% or more bashers) most active etc
In my humble opinion
Yes I have a winner. 2025 SPZI will come alive.
Kool Aid Man
6 days ago
You--" Someone is selling hundreds of millions or more shares and has been for months.
Who?" Q3 2023 said--
Total shares authorized:5,500,000,000 as of 9/30/23.
Total shares outstanding 5,495,710,503 as of 9/30/23.
In other words, the 5.5 billion A/S was maxed out before Park showed up.
Chairman/ CEO Paul D Strickland also reported he owned 67% (671,610) of Preferred B shares. I don't see what the conversion rate into common is.
He also reported he owns 46% of the O/S by virtue of being an Officer, Director, Control Person. Lord only knows how many shares he still has left. He could probably dump all the way to .0005 or below and still make money.
I wouldn't be surprised if Strickland told Park "If you'll agree to run this ticker until I cash out all my shares then you can have it."