11 hours ago
over $1,000,000 of his own money to be exact
Does anyone question where the money went. Over $900,000 just on FORW Professional fees? Was that for trainers and jockeys? Seriously? What about the "loans" and shares?
FORW - Professional fees $619,384 December 31,2023
Professional fees $293,838 SEPTEMBER 30, 2024
GVSI - Professional fees $40,631 DECEMBER 31, 2023
Professional fees $12,904 SEPTEMBER 30, 2024
SRNW Professional fees $267,727 DECEMBER 31, 2023
Related party consulting expense for common stock $319,000 DECEMBER 31, 2023
Professional fees $62,571 SEPTEMBER 30, 2024
11 hours ago
Correct. Past means nothing here.
If the pumpers here are falsely saying that GVSI's past means nothing and that GVSI only needs its most recent two years of audited financials to get SEC current, then why did Sharp say that FINRA "is concerned with acts by previous management, particularly, missing financials from that period?"
$GVSI has finally received comments from FINRA who is concerned with acts by previous management, particularly, missing financials from that period. Management continues to cooperate with FINRA at its own expense in order to achieve the name & symbol changes.
11:50 AM · Nov 28, 2023 · 51.7K Views
FINRA is not so much "concerned" (those are Sharp's words) as it is signaling that GVSI won't be able to get SEC registered and current because of those missing financials. And Sharp already said he abandoned getting GVSI's financials audited.
I had hope to start $GVSI as an SEC reporter, but after over a year of having two accounting firms work on it & discussions with the SEC, I begrudgingly agreed that I would not be able to get the books audited.
Our attorneys & auditors have concluded that it is impossible to audit $GVSI due to past corporate mismanagement of records/actions. Therefore, we are abandoning efforts to become an SEC reporter & are preparing an application for OTCIQ access to be filed with OTCM within 60 days.
Here, the filing of the Form 15 did not absolve GVSI of it's delinquency. Nor does making the company Pink Current, as was accomplished during 2023. While the company is in good standing with OTC Markets, in the eyes of the SEC and FINRA, GVSI remains a delinquent reporter. FINRA will not process any corporate action such as a name change, symbol change or reverse (or forward) split while an issuer is deemed delinquent in its reporting requirements.
- George Sharp
December 28, 2023
Sharp fails to mention that it also won't be able to do a reverse merger since that is also a corporate action.
FINRA Rule 6490, has evolved since it was enacted over two years ago. For some time, FINRA has required that issuers provide expansive disclosures and supporting documentation not only for the corporate change subject to the notice but for the company’s entire corporate history from inception.
These disclosures are required of both SEC reporting and non-reporting issuers if they undertake corporate actions including reverse mergers. Compliance with Rule 6490's requirements is a minor task for companies going public by filing a registration statement with the SEC. Companies filing registration statements rarely have difficulties obtaining DTC eligibility unlike reverse merger issuers.
(My note: GVSI withdrew its registration statement and never refiled it:
The public filings of companies who register with the SEC contain most of the supporting documentation required by Rule 6490.
It is no surprise that compliance with the requirements of Rule 6490 is less burdensome for companies going public using a registration statement because these companies have fewer corporate changes in their company history than companies engaging in reverse mergers. This is especially true for reverse merger issuers who undergo multiple changes of control and periods of inactivity.
The Problem with Reverse Mergers & Disclosure under Rule 6490
For companies that engage in reverse mergers as part of their going public transaction, compliance with Rule 6490's requirements can be impossible particularly when custodianship or receivership actions have been used by shell brokers to create public shells after years of inactivity. These companies may have multiple corporate actions related to prior changes of control and often have sketchy corporate histories. Some have even been hijacked through custodianship or receivership actions. In these circumstances, documents may be unavailable or if provided to FINRA, it could potentially result in FINRA referring the matter to the SEC’s Division of Enforcement.
These companies are almost always plagued with incomplete or fraudulent corporate records which make it extremely difficult for the post-reverse merger company to comply with FINRA Rule 6490. As a result, these companies may never get FINRA approval of the contemplated corporate action.
Rule 6490 Disclosures
Issuers must provide a cover letter disclosing the full corporate history for the issuer itemizing all material facts including every corporate change that has occurred from inception to present day.
Triggers for Review under FINRA RULE 6490
A FINRA review will be triggered if any of the five factors set forth in Rule 6490 are thought to be present:
• FINRA believes the forms are incomplete, inaccurate or filed without the appropriate corporate authority;
• The issuer is not current in its reporting obligations with the Securities and Exchange Commission;
• Persons involved in or related to the corporate action are the subject of pending or settled regulatory action or are under investigation by a regulatory body or are the subject of a pending criminal action related to fraud or securities law violations;
• Persons related to the corporate action are likely involved in fraudulent activities involving securities or may pose a threat to investors;
• There is significant uncertainty in the settlement and clearance process for the issuer’s securities.
Any company contemplating going public using a reverse merger must consider the potential impact Rule 6490 could have on its future corporate actions. Rule 6490 provides one more compelling reason why private companies seeking to go public should do so using a registration statement instead of a reverse merger.
GVSI is a dead stock walking.
Major Profits
1 day ago
"In a custodianship Sharp is only obligated to financial liabilities, not past filings. He got a reset on that."
Hmmm, can you provide a link to where you got that information from? Frankly, some of us have been trying to find out about that "two years of audited financials only" and what you say seems to contradict this:
Take a look at a balance sheet and an equity statement. A number of those items require full and complete financial information to be accurate. An income statement is a snapshot of the 2 (or 3) years covered by the date of the statement, but a balance sheet and equity statement are since inception. If information is missing, it is impossible to present those statements accurately. Even 1 year's information that is missing can easily cause the financial statements to not be accurate, and therefore not auditable.
P.S. What I find odd is if the "two years of audited financials" is all GS needs, and considering he became GVSI custodian on May 4, 2021, why didn't he get those two years of audited financials sometime in 2023? Or 2024? Why wait until 2025?
1 day ago
To the misguided, and what frankly, seems unhinged poster, that is claiming pumping, dilution, and GS using others to promote the stock, I must say, Do you know a single thing about GS? Obviously not that is clear. The last thing in the world he would ever do is let anyone profit or take credit from his work before he wants it to happen. He is the DJT of the Otc with a huge ego. So the stuff being floated around here was so comical it is obviously coming from someone who has absolutely no clue about the situation here and has either an axe to grind with GS or some other poster here.
GS has spent years of time and effort, 5 years and literally over $1,000,000 of his own money to be exact, trying to make a go of GVSI, and some here think he's either going to run a scam or simply abandon it? No shot, no way, no how. He has bigtime connections, many in Israel, and I believe that is when and where what happens here will come from.
2 days ago
This scam will be back to .002 within a few weeks since this last run up had no reason for it other than pumpers giving false hope and a risidual effect from the Calasse's court loss in WNFT.
All the run up did was create a new set of bagholders.
This stock has been struggling for three years with nothing happening with the company besides share reductions which is the only thing Sharp has managed to do for the stock - and it hasn't helped much - look at the price.
GVSI has missing financials from 2008 - 2013.
Here is what Google AI has to say concerning companies that have missing financials from that time period:
No, a company cannot become "SEC current" with missing financial reports from 15 years before; the SEC requires companies to file all necessary periodic reports, including historical financial statements, even if they are significantly delayed, meaning a company must eventually file missing reports from previous years to be considered current with their filings.
So everything the pumpers have said concerning the matter has been a lie.
Not only that but Sharp already admitted that he can't get GVSI's financials audited (to comply with SEC/FIRA requirements and what they have already told him he needs to do).
I had hope to start $GVSI as an SEC reporter, but after over a year of having two accounting firms work on it & discussions with the SEC, I begrudgingly agreed that I would not be able to get the books audited.
6:54 AM · Feb 7, 2023, 24.6K
Our attorneys & auditors have concluded that it is impossible to audit $GVSI due to past corporate mismanagement of records/actions. Therefore, we are abandoning efforts to become an SEC reporter & are preparing an application for OTCIQ access to be filed with OTCM within 60 days
7:28 AM · Jun 30, 2022
So a Form 10 is impossible.
Here is SEC documentation of why GVSI had its last corporate action of a name change request denied by the SEC/FINRA.
FINRA also acknowledges that the denial is based solely on failure to file periodic reports from 2008 to 2013
And again, Sharp already said he can't audit GVSI to file those missing financials.
Here is Sharp admitting to GVSI's SEC delinquency.
Here, the filing of the Form 15 did not absolve GVSI of it's delinquency. Nor does making the company Pink Current, as was accomplished during 2023. While the company is in good standing with OTC Markets, in the eyes of the SEC and FINRA, GVSI remains a delinquent reporter. FINRA will not process any corporate action such as a name change, symbol change or reverse (or forward) split while an issuer is deemed delinquent in its reporting requirements.
- George Sharp
December 28, 2023
Something I have been saying for more than three years and the reason the "merger" last year failed miserably.
The Solution
In order for FINRA to process GVSI's corporate actions - FINRA does not approve actions, they only process them - GVSI will have to once again become a reporting issuer in good standing. To do so GVSI will have to file two years of audited statements within a Form 10 filing. Current management forsees no issue in getting this accomplished in the near future and thus being reinstated as an SEC reporter in good standing.
The Good News
GVSI management believes that the company is close to a significant acquisition with two potential targets under serious review. Of course, as always, the mission is not complete until it is complete. Both potential candidates understand the current issue with FINRA and neither forsees the issue as being a roadblock to an acquisition.
- George Sharp
December 28, 2023
And since Sharp "believes that the company is close to a significant acquisition with two potential targets," and we all know how that turned out (a complete and catastrophic merger failure because the proper regulatory paperwork wasn't filed with the SEC and whose failure Sharp blamed on shareholders), what does that say about the veracity that "current management forsees no issue in getting this accomished in the near future and thus being reinstated as an SEC reporter in good standing."
Not much I'd say looking at the failed "merger," bullshit "acquisition," bullshit "targets" and Sharp's track record of lies for the past three years.
Both potential candidates understand the current issue with FINRA and neither forsees the issue as being a roadblock to an acquisition.
More Sharp bullshit.
No roadblock? That was just another Sharp lie since the "merger" failed catastrophically because no regulatory paperwork was ever filed for the so-called "merger" because of GVSI's SEC delinquency.
Sharp already has more than two years of reporting under his belt as head of GVSI yet he continues to file only unaudited financials, going directly against the SEC/FINRA requirements and what he says GVSI needs to do.
As opposed to all of Sharp's other tickers, GVSI is the only Sharp ticker to have NEVER FILED AN AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENT - EVER! That's because it can't because of its delinquency.
Not to mention his dumping his 20 million common GVSI shares right before the failed merger and then lying about it.
The 20 mil shares of $GVSI that was listed with my holdings in today's revised filing, were previously stated in SEC filings, but were overlooked in the original OTCM disclosure. These shares were purchased out of the market prior to my custodianship app. & gave me standing.
9:59 AM · Feb 21, 2023 35.3K Views
For those asking, I was never issued the 20 million $GVSI shares in question, which is why they do not appear on subsequent filings. Contrary to what those who like to "pay me back" would like you to believe, I did not sell those shares.
Let's review a few uncomfortable CURRENT facts about GVSI:
• FINRA is "concerned" (I'm sure it's more than concerned) about the six years of missing audited financials and previous management's "acts."
• SEC/FINRA approval of name/ticker change that failed miserably, indicating that something went terribly wrong with the SEC/FINRA.
• SEC restriction on corporate actions such as a name/ticker name change and a reverse merger.
• 5 years of SEC/FINRA audited financials delinquent (from 2008 - 2013) *before* filing its Form 15.
• Non SEC registered.
• Non SEC reporting.
• Non audited financials.
• Sharp himself stating he couldn't get GVSI audited.
• In continued violation of FINRA Rule 6490.
• FINRA Notice of Deficiency.
• SEC Rule15c2-11 warning.
• Price that has plummeted.
• Accumulation that has plummeted.
• Bloated share structure of 7 billion AS and 2.1 billion OS.
• No reverse merger anticipated and not even a candidate search has begun according to GVSI financials.
• A supposed recent "merger" (that wasn't really a merger since proper paper work was never filed with the SEC) that catastrophically failed.
• Sharp dumped his 20 million GVSI common shares right before the failed "merger" and then lied by saying he was never issued his common shares.
• A CEO who has repetitively lied to and gaslighted investors, hiding important information from and stringing investors along (with fraudulent pumps) while he enriches himself (and insiders), is abrasive and uncaring about shareholders, often blaming them for his mistakes and preoccupied with other priorities like racing his ponies and attacking other stocks.
What a glowing GVSI review from Sharp...full of regret...and in retrospect he would never had done it. Seems like even Sharp thinks GVSI is a disaster.
I had regretted taking over $GVSI. Had I known what I was in for, I would have never had done it. But even my most fervent doubters know that I don't just give up once I start. I spent a lot of my own money to get this done in order to justify the confidence of my supporters.
Sharp already said he can't produce what FINRA/SEC is specifically asking for in its Notice of Deficiency - AUDITED financials from 2008 - 2013 to conform with FINRA Rule 6490 which GVSI has and is continuing to violate. And Sharp already said he ABANDONED getting GVSI audited which means he won't be able to get GVSI SEC registered and reporting for a reverse merger.
What Sharp says he plans to do in 2025 about another merger attempt and filing GVSI's Form 10 should be believed about as much as Sharp's tweets saying he would get GVSI SEC registered and reporting three years ago, that he would refile GVSI's SEC Form 10 registration statement three Decembers ago and never did, saying that WNFT had reached the "promised land" and would have a "business plan over the next several weeks which will include an acquisition(s)" that never materialized in September two years ago when Sharp said it would happen and saying he would not reverse split GRDO then did just that.
$WNFT reaches the promised land.
1:08 PM · Jun 29, 2022
The mandatory settlement conference did not yield an agreement with Calasse, however we anticipate that $WNFT will proceed with a business plan over the next several weeks which will include an acquisition(s). This statement should not be construed as a guarantee for success.
9:33 PM · Aug 18, 2022
There will be no reverse split, dilution or toxic debt taken on so long as I am involved with $GRDO. Update filings will reflect a zero balance sheet. PRs are forthcoming.
2:20 PM · Oct 5, 2018
I regret giving the impression that $GRDO would not r/s, but unfortunately, it was the only way to get things done. Why would the shareholders want as much as 800 million shares in dead certificates? The only purpose that serves is to make it more expensive to raise money.
I will never be involved with a company that wipes out the shareholders through a reverse split. $FORW $TSNP
9:55 AM · Nov 2, 2020
Mind you that Sharp again said in the above tweet that he would NEVER reverse split any stock he's involved with BEFORE AND AFTER he did just that for GRDO - is that being honest?
Straight from the SEC website:
FINRA's deficiency determination and the Commission's affirmation of FINRA's deficiency determination would have the collateral consequence of preventing GVSI from ever conducting future corporate actions.
There is an SEC/FINRA restriction on GVSI's corporate actions and a FINRA Notice of Deficiency issued to GVSI that can't be fixed because Sharp already said he can't audit GVSI's financials. So GVSI won't be able to recover from the steep decline in price and accumulation from the last year.
GVSI failed to get registered with the SEC since it had to withdraw its Form 10 registration statement...
Please be advised that Good Vibrations Shoes, Inc. (the “Company”) hereby respectfully requests withdrawal of the above-mentioned Registration Statement pursuant to Rule 477 of Regulation C promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. The Registration Statement was originally filed on September 27, 2021.
The Form 10 registration was never refiled like Sharp said he would three Decembers ago and Sharp continues to pump a future Form 10 filing and a future merger which was already attempted and both failed miserably.
Sharp has done absolutely nothing to fix what made both things fail. All he did was cancel some shares and again pump GVSI's future prospects - all empty bullshit.
...and Sharp has already said he couldn't audit GVSI's financials.
The most recent unaudited quarterly report, which is a signed and legally binding document, says there is no merger anticipated and that the search hasn't even started yet - no matter what he might post on GVSI's X account (which is not legally binding) and the pumpers post here.
We have incurred nominal operations since custodianship and will actively search for suitable merger candidates to assist in the sustaining of operations.
"will actively search"...future tense.
It seems there's no merger candidate to speak of.
So even the search hasn't begun.
And there is no anticipated merger.
List any stock split, stock dividend, recapitalization, merger, acquisition, spin-off, or reorganization either currently anticipated or that occurred within the past 12 months:
And now FINRA is "concerned" (I'm sure it's more than a "concern") about the six years of missing audited financials from 2008 - 2013 that violate FINRA Rule 6490 and will deny any corporate actions again since it denied them before and Sharp has done nothing to fix the problem since the missing financials are still missing.
$GVSI has finally received comments from FINRA who is concerned with acts by previous management, particularly, missing financials from that period. Management continues to cooperate with FINRA at its own expense in order to achieve the name & symbol changes.
11:50 AM · Nov 28, 2023 · 51.7K Views
Three years of pumpers' posts down the drain.
So the above shows there isn't a merger candidate or a merger even anticipated and FINRA has serious "concerns" about the missing audited financials.
But then again, what serious company would merge into such a bloated (7 BILLION AS and 2.1 BILLION OS - even after the share reductions), problem-plagued shell?
quote]The Company’s many shareholders have essentially all lost their investment in the Company.
GVSI is a dumpster fire in a sinking ship being pumped by the nefarious and unscrupulous here in order to create new bagholders who they can dump their shares on.
GVSI's price is dropping like a rock and will be back to .002 in no time.