RNS Number : 9410B

Arden Partners plc

16 January 2018

Arden Partners plc

("Arden" or the "Company" or the "Group")

Audited results for the year ended 31 October 2017

Arden Partners plc (AIM: ARDN), the institutional stockbroking company, today announces audited results for the year ended 31 October 2017.

Financial highlights

   --     Revenue GBP10.5 million (2016: GBP5.9 million) 
   --     Profit before tax GBP0.7 million (2016 loss: GBP0.4 million) 
   --     Underlying profit before tax* GBP1.2 million (2016 loss: GBP0.5 million) 
   --     Basic earnings per share 3.3p (2016 loss per share: 2.5p) 
   --     Capital adequacy ratio 652% (2016: 404%) 
   --     Proposed dividend 1.0p per share (2016: nil) 

* Profit before tax as adjusted for the effect of share based payments, restructuring costs (including non recurring costs related to the appointment and termination of personnel) and lease settlement credit

Commenting on the results and Arden's outlook, Luke Johnson, Chairman, said:

"We are confident that the business is in the midst of a successful turnaround. A new executive team has been appointed, and they have rapidly taken the business from losses into net profits for the full year. There is still much to be done, but I believe that Arden now has the resources and the people to deliver."

"As a demonstration of our confidence in the future we are pleased to propose a 1p per share final dividend."

Arden Partners plc 020 7614 5900

Donald Brown - Chief Executive Officer

James Reed-Daunter - Executive Director

GCA Altium Limited 020 7484 4040

Sam Fuller / Tim Richardson

Chairman's Statement

The last few years have been challenging for the broking industry, and in particular for small and mid-cap stockbrokers. A sustainable revival in corporate performance is dependent on confidence amongst fund managers and a significant indicator of this is their willingness to invest in their brokers.

Arden Partners announced in June this year that it raised GBP5m of inward investment to reinforce our already strong balance sheet, and I am pleased that we now have some of the major names in the fund management industry as shareholders.

We were delighted to announce the appointment of Donald Brown as our new Chief Executive Office in May 2017. Our enlarged balance sheet has heightened our profile in the sector and enabled us to attract key new appointments - including experienced and senior staff. We have taken the opportunity to reshape our equities operation and the new structure has already had a demonstrably positive impact on our revenues.

We are confident that the business is in the midst of a successful turnaround. A new executive team has been appointed, and they have rapidly taken the business from losses into net profits for the full year. There is still much to be done, but I believe that Arden now has the resources and the people to deliver.

The Company continues to monitor its cost base carefully and our staff numbers remain steady. Our corporate client numbers also remained consistent and we aim to both deepen existing relationships and develop new ones.

The broking industry is in need of further consolidation and we are always prepared to explore opportunities to combine with complementary businesses to facilitate cost savings and revenue expansion. Meanwhile our healthy balance sheet puts us in an excellent position for possible expansion.

As a demonstration of our confidence in the future we are pleased to propose a 1p per share final dividend.

I would like to thank my Board, our corporate and institutional clients and all our hard-working staff for the support during this year. We look forward to the future with considerable anticipation.

Luke Johnson


Chief Executive's Statement

In my first statement as Chief Executive of Arden Partners plc, I am pleased to report a pre-tax profit for the year ended 31 October 2017 of GBP700,000 and underlying profit before tax of GBP1.2 million. The Company was loss-making in 2016 with corresponding figures of GBP400,000 and GBP500,000 respectively.

Financial Review

Revenue for the full year totalled GBP10.5 million, a 79% increase on 2016 and the highest figure in five years. The Company's results were significantly weighted towards the second half of the year with a revenue contribution of GBP7.6 million.

Basic earnings per share were 3.3p and the Board is pleased to propose a final dividend to shareholders for the first time since 2014 of 1p per share.

I joined the Company on 24 May 2017 and subsequently secured the services of a number of highly experienced staff. Our results demonstrate the immediate impact this has had and I am confident that our team, whose overall number has remained broadly consistent year on year, can maintain the positive trend in transactions and revenue.

During the year we raised GBP150 million in funds for our corporate clients, an increase of 145% on 2016. Our total number of corporate clients has remained broadly in line with previous years at 38.


After the strong second half, the Company's momentum has carried over into 2018. We recognise that the broking services industry will experience challenges in the year ahead, especially in the light of the introduction of the MiFIDII regulations on 3 January 2018. We will continue to hire experienced staff where we see complementary opportunities, and I look forward to the forthcoming year with confidence.

I would like to thank all our clients and shareholders for their continued support and to express the appreciation of the entire Board for the considerable hard work and commitment of our staff.

Donald Brown

Chief Executive Officer

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the year ended 31 October 2017

                                               2017       2016 
                                    Note    GBP'000    GBP'000 
--------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
  Revenue                            2       10,477      5,857 
  Administrative expenses                   (9,741)    (6,323) 
--------------------------------  ------ 
  Profit/(loss) from operations                 736      (466) 
  Finance income                                 34         40 
  Finance expense                              (23)        (3) 
--------------------------------  ------ 
  Profit/(loss) before taxation                 747      (429) 
  Income tax charge                            (15)       (41) 
--------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
  Profit/(loss) after taxation                  732      (470) 
  Other comprehensive income 
   for the year: 
   Items that will or may be 
   reclassified subsequently 
   to profit or loss: 
   Decrease in fair value of 
   available for sale financial 
   assets                                       (8)        (5) 
 Transfer to profit or loss 
  on disposal of available for 
  sale assets                                    13 
   Deferred tax taken to equity                   4          - 
--------------------------------  ------  ---------  --------- 
  Total comprehensive income 
   for the year attributable 
   to equity shareholders                       741      (475) 
================================  ======  =========  ========= 
   Profit/(loss) per share 
  Basic                              3          3.3     (2.5p) 
================================  ======  =========  ========= 
  Diluted                            3          3.2     (2.5p) 
================================  ======  =========  ========= 

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

At 31 October 2017

                                            2017       2017       2016       2016 
                                         GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
------------------------------  -----  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Non-current assets 
  Property, plant and 
   equipment                                             67                    27 
  Deferred tax asset                                     39                    50 
  Total non-current 
   assets                                               106                    77 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Current assets 
  Assets held at fair 
   value                                   2,806                 1,489 
  Available for sale 
   financial assets                          503                   552 
  Trade and other receivables              2,714                 2,544 
  Collateral deposits                         48                    58 
  Cash and cash equivalents                9,037                 5,170 
  Total current assets                               15,108                 9,813 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Total assets                                       15,214                 9,890 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Current liabilities 
  Financial liabilities 
   held at fair value                      (171)                  (48) 
  Trade and other payables               (2,494)               (2,719) 
  Total current liabilities                         (2,665)               (2,767) 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Total liabilities                                 (2,665)               (2,767) 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
  Net assets                                         12,549                 7,123 
=====================================  =========  =========  =========  ========= 
  Shareholders' equity 
  Called up share capital         3,338    2,063 
  Capital redemption 
   reserve                          700      700 
  Share premium account           6,691    2,933 
  Employee Benefit Trust 
   reserve                        (849)    (849) 
  Available for sale 
   reserve                          (6)     (11) 
  Retained earnings               3,547    2,836 
-----------------------------  --------  ------- 
  Total equity before 
   deduction of own shares       13,421    7,672 
  Own shares                      (872)    (549) 
-----------------------------  --------  ------- 
  Total equity                   12,549    7,123 
=============================  ========  ======= 

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the year ended 31 October 2017

                                           2017       2016 
                                        GBP'000    GBP'000 
-----------------------------------   ---------  --------- 
Operating activities before 
Profit/(loss) before tax                    747      (429) 
Adjustments for: 
Fair value adjustments                     (27)      (205) 
  Gain on sale of available                (50)          - 
   for sale asset 
  Depreciation of fixtures, 
   fittings and computer equipment           21         23 
  Net interest receivable                  (11)       (37) 
  Share based payments                        4         22 
------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
  Operating cash flow before 
   changes in working capital               684      (626) 
  (Increase)/decrease in operating 
   assets                               (1,437)         88 
  Decrease/(increase) in operating 
   liabilities                            (102)        682 
  Purchase of available for 
   sale investments                       (509)       (50) 
  Proceeds from disposal of                 600          - 
   available for sale investments 
  Cash (used in)/generated from 
   operations                             (764)         94 
  Income taxes paid                           -         10 
------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
  Net cash flows from operating 
   activities                             (764)        104 
------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
  Investing activities 
  Purchases of property, plant 
   and equipment                           (61)       (25) 
  Net interest received                      11         37 
------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
  Net cash flows from investing 
   activities                              (50)         12 
------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
  Financing activities 
  Exercise of share options                (15)       (31) 
  Proceeds from the sale of 
   own shares                                 -        133 
  Purchase of own shares                  (337)      (420) 
  Issue of shares                         5,033          - 
-----------------------------------   ---------  --------- 
  Net cash flows from financing 
   activities                             4,681      (318) 
------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
  Decrease in cash and cash 
   equivalents                            3,867      (202) 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
   at the beginning of the year           5,170      5,372 
------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
   at the end of the year                 9,037      5,170 
====================================  =========  ========= 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the year ended 31 October 2017

                                                Capital                Employee      Available 
                                   Share     Redemption         Own     Benefit            for 
                       Share     Premium        Reserve      Shares       Trust           sale     Retained 
                     Capital     Account                                Reserve        Reserve     Earnings      Total 
                     GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
----------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  ----------  ----------  -------------  -----------  --------- 
   1 November 
   2015                2,063       2,933            700       (295)       (849)            (6)        3,348      7,894 
  Profit for 
   year                    -           -              -           -           -              -        (470)      (470) 
  Deferred                 -           -              -           -           -              -            -          - 
   tax taken 
   to equity 
   of available 
   for sale 
   assets                  -           -              -           -           -            (5)            -        (5) 
   income for 
   the year                -           -              -           -           -            (5)        (470)      (475) 
  by and 
  to owners 
   of own shares           -           -              -       (420)           -              -            -      (420) 
  Sale of 
   own shares              -           -              -         134           -              -            -        134 
  Share based 
   payments                -           -              -           -           -              -           22         22 
  Share options 
   exercised               -           -              -          32           -              -         (64)       (32) 
   31 October 
   2016                2,063       2,933            700       (549)       (849)           (11)        2,836      7,123 
  Profit for 
   year                    -           -              -           -           -              -          732        732 
   tax taken 
   to equity                                                                                 -            4          4 
   to profit 
   or loss 
   on disposal 
   of available 
   for sale 
   assets                  -           -              -           -           -             13            -         13 
   of available 
   for sale 
   assets                                                                                  (8)            -        (8) 
   income for 
   the year                -           -              -           -           -              5          736        741 
  by and 
  to owners 
  Issue of 
   shares net 
   of expenses         1,275       3,758              -           -           -              -            -      5,033 
   of own shares           -           -              -       (337)           -              -            -      (337) 
  Share based 
   payments                -           -              -           -           -              -            4          4 
  Share options 
   exercised               -           -              -          14           -              -         (29)       (15) 
   31 October 
   2017                3,338       6,691            700       (872)       (849)            (6)        3,547     12,549 
================  ==========  ==========  =============  ==========  ==========  =============  ===========  ========= 


1. The capital redemption reserve represents the nominal value of shares that have been cancelled that were previously held as Own Shares.

   2.       Own Shares represents shares purchased to be held as treasury shares at historical cost. 

3. The Employee Benefit Trust reserve represents shares held in the parent Company by the Arden Partners Employee Benefit Trust which is consolidated in the Group's financial statements.

4. Share premium represents the excess over nominal value of the fair value consideration received for equity shares net of expenses of the share issues amounting to GBP67,000.


   1)         Basis of preparation 

The financial information set out in this announcement has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS as endorsed for use in the European Union.

The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 October 2017 or the year ended 31 October 2016 under the meaning of s434 Companies Act 2006, but is derived from those accounts.

Statutory accounts for the years ended 31 October 2017 and 31 October 2016 have been reported on by the Independent Auditors.

The Independent Auditors' Report on the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the years ended 31 October 2017 and 31 October 2016 was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis, and did not contain a statement under 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 October 2016 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 October 2017, prepared under IFRS, will be delivered to the Registrar in due course.

   2)         Revenue 

Revenue is wholly attributable to the principal activity of the Group and arises solely within the United Kingdom.

                                               2017            2016 
                                            GBP'000         GBP'000 
----------------------------------   --------------  -------------- 
  Equities Division                           3,767           2,430 
  Corporate Finance Division                  6,673           3,427 
  Gain on sale of available for                  50               - 
   sale asset 
  Transfer to profit or loss on                (13)               - 
   disposal of available for sale 
----------------------------------   --------------  -------------- 
Total revenue                                10,477           5,857 
===================================  ==============  ============== 

Included within revenue of the Equities Division is a profit of GBP40,000 (2016: GBP205,000) relating to the fair value adjustment of derivatives held within assets that are fair valued through profit or loss.

The Directors are of the opinion that there are only two operating segments and while segment revenues are reviewed internally business resources are not allocated to segments for the purposes of deriving either profit or assets. In 2017, one of the Group's customers contributed more than 10% of the Group's revenue, the amount was GBP1,996,000. In 2016 none of the Group's customers contributed 10% or more of the Group's revenue.

   3)         Earnings per Share 

In addition to the basic earnings per share, underlying earnings per share has been shown because the Directors consider that this gives a more meaningful indication of the underlying performance of the Group. Where applicable, all adjustments are stated after taking into consideration current tax treatment ignoring deferred tax.

                                        Year ended                      Year ended 
                                      31 October 2017                 31 October 2016 
                               Pence per     Numerator               Pence per                Numerator 
                                   Share       GBP'000                   Share                  GBP'000 
-------------------------  -------------  ------------  ----------------------  -----  ---  ----------- 
  Basic profit/(loss) 
   per share                         3.3           732                   (2.5)                    (470) 
  Add: IFRS2 share-based 
   payments                            -             4                     0.1                       22 
  Add: Restructuring 
   costs                             2.3           517                       -                        - 
  Less: Lease settlement 
   credit                              -             -                   (0.8)                    (150) 
  Underlying basic 
   profit/(loss)                     5.6         1,253                   (3.2)                    (598) 
=========================  =============  ============  ======================  =====  ===  =========== 
  Diluted profit/(loss) 
   per share                         3.2           732                   (2.5)                    (470) 
  Add: IFRS2 share-based 
   payments                            -             4                     0.1                       22 
  Add: Restructuring 
   costs                             2.3           517                       -                        - 
  Less: Lease settlement 
   credit                              -             -                   (0.8)                    (150) 
  Underlying diluted 
   profit/(loss)                     5.5         1,253                   (3.2)                    (598) 
=========================  =============  ============  ======================  =====  ===  =========== 
                                 Year ended     Year ended 
                                 31 October     31 October 
                                       2017           2016 
                                     Number         Number 
----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
  Weighted average 
   number of shares 
   in issue for basic 
   earnings calculation          22,188,366     18,734,234 
  Weighted average 
   dilution for outstanding 
   share options                    406,895        541,383 
----------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
  Weighted average 
   number for diluted 
   earnings calculation          22,595,261     19,275,617 
============================  =============  ============= 

The 1,480,700 (2016: 1,480,700) shares held by the Arden Partners Employee Benefit and the 1,912,312 (2016: 1,200,242) shares held in Treasury have been excluded from the denominator.

In the prior year no adjustment has been made to the diluted loss per share of 2.4p as the dilution effect of the weighted average number of outstanding share options of 541,383 would be to decrease the loss per share.

   4)         Annual Report and Accounts 

Copies of the 2017 Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders in due course. Copies will also be available from the Company's registered office and from the Company's website www.arden-partners.com

   5)         Dividend 

The final dividend, if approved, will be paid on 22 March 2018 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 2 March 2018, with an ex-dividend date of 1 March 2018.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 16, 2018 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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