By Yoko Kubota 

TOKYO--Toyota Motor Corp. on Wednesday named a non-Japanese executive vice president for the first time in the company's nearly eight-decade history, reflecting the importance of the auto maker's overseas business.

Didier Leroy, a 57-year-old French national who currently oversees Toyota's European business, will become executive vice president, Toyota said. Mr. Leroy, currently a senior managing officer, joined Toyota in 1998 after working at Renault SA for 16 years.

Toyota also named Julie Hamp as managing officer, adding to the small number of non-Japanese in the company's top ranks. Ms. Hamp is currently chief communications officer of Toyota Motor North America.

The move by the world's best-selling auto maker marks a shift for Japan, where top posts at major corporations are mostly held by Japanese men. Recently, some companies have brought in more foreign and female executives. On Wednesday, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. said it would promote Christophe Weber, a Frenchman who is currently president and chief operating officer, to president and chief executive officer effective April 1.

Japanese companies are under pressure from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to diversify their ranks. Mr. Abe has set a target of women holding 30% of top positions by 2020.

Toyota, Japan's biggest company by profits and market capitalization, sells around 83% of its vehicles outside of Japan and manufactures around two-thirds of its vehicles overseas. Its biggest rivals are Germany's Volkswagen AG and General Motors Co. of the U.S.

Toyota's president, Akio Toyoda, the grandson of Toyota Motor's founder, has been taking steps to bring in executives of different backgrounds. In 2013 the company added directors from outside Toyota for the first time, including Mark Hogan, an American and a former GM executive.

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