PORTLAND, Ore., July 17, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- In order to achieve the mission, the design team identified every step along the way, at which damage to the teeth could occur, from the accident scene, to the moment the teeth are replanted and fixed into place. This had never been done before and created a paradigm shift for treatment.

They identified seven points, so called links in a chain, along this journey at which damage could occur. They then incorporated into the design all the ways to prevent damage that might occur at each link. For example, in a thought experiment, what if a glass of milk, holding the knocked-out teeth, spills out onto the dirty, McDonalds bag covered floor mats, during the drive to the dentist. Or what if, on arrival, the dentist can't see the teeth in the murky, dirt filled milk and, accidentally, crushes the delicate root cells with the forceps? Based on this R&D, the following are the improvements that have been created to achieve their mission:

  • The creation of individual retaining fins meant to simulate a tooth socket(see attached picture)
  • The simulated socket structure eliminates the confusing task in the previous SAT of having to turn the unit upside-down
  • Bathing the tooth root in Hank's Balanced Salt Solution, while simultaneously presenting the enamel of the tooth for grasping for removal from the SAT without the need for groping for the teeth with forceps
  • The container is 100% leakproof
  • It now has a tamperproof seal
  • Is TSA compliant
  • Its size is 1/3 that of the previous SAT

Each of these contributes to the increased success based on the theory that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link:

  • The simulated socket permits the dual function of bathing of the tooth in a Hanks Balanced Salt Solution and, simultaneously, positions the enamel of a tooth for unambiguous grasping and removal of the tooth from the device and prevent the knocked-out teeth from bumping into each other or the walls during transport
  • The design allows the debris, without touching the root, to be gently washed away by the natural movement during transport and float to the bottom.
  • It allows a biologically safe place into which to park a tooth if it shouldn't fit in a debris filled socket.
  • The leakproof innovation avoids failure, before use, through rough handling
  • The TSA compliance makes it unnecessary for it to be removed from a travel bag
  • The tamperproof closure provides assurance that it is still sterile
  • The reduction in size allows it to be placed in any size first aid kit, backpack, glove compartment and, even in extreme situations, when help is hours away, such as an automobile accidents, in an commercial airplane, school buses or hiking in the mountains, knocked-out teeth can be preserved, and successfully replanted, even up to 24 hours later, as long as it is used within one hour. This reduced size will increase the universe of distributors for the product.

It retains all of the benefits of the last Save-A-Tooth, a shatterproof container, tightly fitting top, an optimal preserving fluid, and all the time, 24 hours that is needed for the dentist to provide emergency care. The team, after extensive testing, determined that the new design of Save-A-Tooth Pro will increase the success rate from 90% to 99%.

The American Dental Association reports that over five million teeth get knocked out every year. Without a Save-A-Tooth Pro, the cost for children, initially, is $500/year for a new flipper until 18. At 18, either a fixed bridge or implant will be necessary. The cost, over a life time, to replace a single knocked-out tooth is over $30,000; Four front teeth, $100,000.

When children's teeth are knocked out, the social impact is enormous. Between the ages of 6-18, in which 90% of avulsions occur, their jaws are continually growing. This continued jaw growth prohibits the placement of implants before the age of 18. This means they must wear removable dentures, called flippers, through their most socially awkward years.

Dental trauma professionals such as, Dr Henry Rankow, Professor of Dentistry and Endodontics at Temple University, says, "Not having a Save-A-Tooth ahead of time is like not having an inhaler when you know your child has asthma… Since losing a front permanent tooth is a lifelong, dental catastrophe, if parents don't have a Save-A-Tooth ahead of time, their children may lose their beautiful smile."

The Save-A-Tooth is recommended by all leading dental and medical associations such The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Academy for Sports Dentistry, International Association of Dental Trauma, WebMd, Medscape, Academy for Sports Dentistry and many leading Medical emergency textbooks.

Dr. Paul Krasner, Professor of Dentistry at Temple University says, "To provide the best chance to save a child's knocked out front teeth for $10 a year seems a good investment. Like any other insurance, we hope we never need it but when we do, we thank god we have it, but to avoid the trauma of a child or adolescence experiencing removable dentures at such a socially sensitive time seems responsible. That's what the revolutionary design of Save-A-Tooth Pro does. It provides an environment that gives the maximal chance to helps rebuild children's damaged smiles. Being prepared ahead of time is the biggest factor in saving children's smiles and facial bone structure."

Dr. Krasner goes on to say that, "There is a misconception that if knocked out teeth are placed in a cup of milk, that the emergency is over, and the teeth will be assured of success. This is incorrect. There are seven separate places, at which irreparable damage can occur, along the journey from the accident scene until they are finally reimplanted and splinted into place. Until now, links two through seven have never been evaluated, let alone addressed or a device constructed that would prevent the damage. For the first time in history, every man, woman and child can, at virtually no cost, be protected against traumatic tooth loss."

The Save-A-Tooth is available for 24-hour delivery on Amazon, through medical and dental catalogs such as Schein Dental, Moore Medical, First aid kits at Certified Safety, Practicon and many other first-class catalogs.


SOURCE Save-A-Tooth

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