4 days ago
KH2 confirms entry into hydrogen power generation facilities in Uzbekistan Supplied WPP W2H2 technology and facilities
KH2 (KHTU: CEO Kim Si-eun) is a model that is being installed in Varna, Bulgaria, among the National Agency Project Management (NAPM) of Uzbekistan and the state-owned power generation facilities in two regions, Tashikent and Syrdaria, with an 8:2 blending ratio of hydrogen and natural gas.
After completing two technical analysis and evaluation meetings and on-site visits to power generation facilities to initiate the project to convert two 1,000MWh units into hydrogen/natural gas hybrid power generation facilities, a total of 2,000 MWh hydrogen power generation facilities will be completed and handed over the next two years.
It was announced that the MOU was signed on March 30 at the State Investment Agency in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, with Deputy Director General Viacheslav Yuryevich Pak.
The agreement signed this time is to install and supply technologies and facilities for retrofitting thermal power generation facilities developed by WPP Energy in Switzerland, and KH2 (KHTU) in Uzbekistan will distribute WPP Energy's hydrogen power generation technology and facilities overseas.
It will be the first case to advance to the market.
Dr. Odilkhuja PARPIEV, Representative of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, who attended the signing ceremony, said, "Uzbekistan is strongly promoting the implementation of the Paris Agreement to reduce carbon emissions, and in line with the goal of converting energy production to an eco-friendly method in the medium and long term, we will continue to
We will continue to promote the expansion of eco-friendly power plants that use hydrogen as fuel."
The participants were Dmitry Lee, Director General of NAPM of Uzbekistan (Deputy Prime Minister), Deputy Director Vyacheslav Yuryevich Pak, Representative of the Academy of Sciences, Odilkhuja PARPIEV, and several other scientists, and KH2 Chairman Kim Min, Kim Si-eun, and two others.
As a result, the supply of hydrogen power generation facilities in Uzbekistan by KH2 (KH2, formerly: Korea H2 Alliance) is expected to continue to increase in the future.
The hydrogen power plant, which will be delivered to Uzbekistan this time, is a hybrid fuel method that uses hydrogen fuel instead of using 100% oil or gas fuel by renovating the existing thermal power plant.
It is a technology method that additionally attaches and connects hydrogen production facilities to produce hydrogen at the power plant site and use it as a mixed fuel.
Due to these innovative technological features, not only is the economic feasibility of power generation very high as there is no need for processes such as securing hydrogen and transporting and storing hydrogen required for hydrogen power generation, but also low-carbon and low-pollution is guaranteed by using mixed fuel using water electrolysis type hydrogen.
The consensus of hydrogen experts is that it has great potential to become a key eco-friendly power generation method. In particular, WPP Energy's hydrogen production technology has superior hydrogen production capacity compared to the existing water electrolysis method, which can dramatically reduce the unit cost of power generation for power generation companies.
It is regarded as a "dream technology".
KH2 Chairman Kim Min said, "KH2's entry into Uzbekistan is meaningful in that KH2 has sewn the first button. In the future, we will hasten the process with the governments of Cambodia, Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and a number of other countries that are currently negotiating to enter the market.
As KH2 takes a leap forward as a world-class hydrogen company, we also want to contribute as a watchman to protect the earth's environment where humanity will live."
Look up NAPM
1 week ago
From 8K dated 5/11/23 pages 19 & 20.
COGTA Guidance Memorandum (11 April, 2023) provided for PowGex and Metbank
DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) Incentives: COGTA will facilitate the allocation of DTI industrial development incentives to PowGex South Africa
Training Assistance: COGTA will also facilitate the allocation of Training Assistance Funding to PowGex by the Department of Labor.
So in lieu of concrete filings from HYFI we are still having to follow the breadcrumbs. That being said any collaboration between PowGex, COGTA and DTI is a positive. Shown below are officers of COGTA, DTI and PowGex.
Video and post are from April 26, 2024. Scroll to 1:18 on vid
Powgex South Africa's Country Executive @tshamanon1 joined The Deputy Minister of @NationalCoGTA Prince Zolile Burns-Ncamashe and Eastern Cape Premier, Oscar Mabuyane,
for the launch of the Eastern Cape leg of the #CWPReimagined Smart Partnerships #LeaveNoOneBehind🇿🇦 pic.twitter.com/zBu8f0htvY— POWGEX Energy (@powgex) April 30, 2024
Powgex South Africa's Country Executive @tshamanon1 joined @NationalCoGTA Deputy Minister @TauParks at #CWPReimagined Smart Partnerships Launch🇿🇦 pic.twitter.com/4P4VeNOeI8— POWGEX Energy (@powgex) April 26, 2024
1 week ago
Why it's so difficult getting info about the Africa HYFI-Powgex deal?
Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) in South Africa often remain confidential due to several reasons:
Commercial Sensitivity: PPAs contain detailed financial terms, including pricing, which are crucial for the competitive positioning of both the electricity generator and the buyer. Revealing these details could undermine their negotiating power in future deals.
Regulatory Compliance: The agreements must comply with various legal and regulatory requirements, such as those set by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA). Keeping these agreements confidential helps ensure compliance and avoids potential legal disputes.
Market Stability: Public disclosure of PPA terms could lead to market instability. For instance, if the agreed prices are significantly lower or higher than the market average, it could cause fluctuations in market prices and affect the financial viability of other projects.
Negotiation Leverage: Confidentiality provides both parties with leverage during negotiations. It allows them to tailor agreements to their specific needs without external pressures or comparisons.
According to the deputy information officer of generation, Brad Ross-Jones, reasons for declining to share the actual agreements were that, “should information such as prices and conditions be publicly known, Eskom would be at a disadvantage in contractual or other negotiations and would be prejudiced in commercial competition as future bidders would know where to pitch their bids in terms of prices and conditions”.