KT Corporation and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As of
March 31, 2024 and 2023, and December 31, 2023
- K-IFRS 1116 Leases (Amendment) - Lease
Liability in a Sale and Leaseback
The amendments add a subsequent measurement requirement for sale and leaseback transactions that satisfy
the requirements in K-IFRS 1115 Revenue from contracts with customers. The amendments require the seller-lessee to determine lease payments or revised lease payments in such a way that
the seller-lessee does not recognise a gain or loss that relates to the right of use asset retained by the seller-lessee, after the lease commencement date.
- K-IFRS 1001 Presentation of Financial Statements (Amendment in 2023) - Disclosure of Virtual
The amendments, in addition to additional disclosure requirements required by other Standards for transactions related to virtual
assets, are setting out the disclosure requirements in each case of 1) holding virtual assets; 2) holding virtual assets on behalf of customers; and 3) issuing virtual assets.
When holding a virtual asset, disclosure on the general information of the virtual asset, the applied accounting policy, and the acquisition
method, acquisition cost, and the fair value of each virtual asset at the end of the reporting period should be disclosed. In addition, when issuing a virtual asset, the entitys obligations and the status of fulfilment of the obligation
related to the issued virtual asset, the timing and amount of the recognized revenue of the sold virtual asset, the quantity of virtual assets held after issuance, and important contract details should be disclosed.
(2) New and revised standards and interpretations in issue but not yet effective or adopted by the Group
At the date of authorization of these financial statements, the Group has not applied the following new and amended K-IFRS standards that have been issued but are not yet effective:
K-IFRS 1021 The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates and K-IFRS 1101 First time adoption of international financial reporting- Improving Interchangeability
The amendments define situations in which exchange with other currencies is possible for accounting purposes, assess the exchangeability with
other currencies and clarify the estimating and requirements for disclosure of spot exchange rates to be used in the absence of exchangeability.
If exchange for other currencies is not possible, the spot exchange rate should be estimated on the measurement date, and the observable
exchange rate should be used without adjustment or other estimation techniques should be used.
The above amendments are applicable for
annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2025, with early application permitted.
The Group is reviewing the impact of
the above-listed amendments on the financial statements.