Filed Pursuant to Rule 433

Issuer Free Writing Prospectus dated July 10, 2018

Registration Statement No. 333-225147

Corp o rate Over v iew

Ju l y 20 1 8






























Forwar d - Lo o ki n g Stateme n ts


Th i s p r e s e ntation cont a i n s , and any a cc o m pany i n g or a l pre s e ntation wo u l d no do u bt c o n ta i n , f orward-look i ng statement s , with i n the m ea n ing o f t he P r i vate S e c ur i t i es L i t i g a t i on R e f orm Ac t o f 19 9 5, regard i n g Bi ocept, I n c . and our bu s ines s . Forward- l o o k ing s tatemen t s i n cl u d e a l l s t ate m ents th a t are not h is to r i c al f a c ts a n d gene r a ll y c an be i den t i f i e d by ter m s s u c h as anti ci p ates, be l ieve s , c o u l d, e s t i m ate s , e x pe c t s , i ntend s , m ay, p l an s , potent i a l , pred ic t s , pro j e c t s , s hou l d, w ill , wou l d, or the negat i ve of tho s e ter m s and si m il ar e x pre ssi on s .

Forward- l o o ki ng s t ate m ents invo l ve k nown and unknown r is k s , u n c ert a i nties and other fa c t ors t hat m ay c a u s e our a c tu a l r e s u l t s , p e r f or m an c e or a c h i eve m ents t o b e m ate r i a ll y different f rom any f u t ure re s u l t s , per f or m an c e or a c h i eve m ents e x pre ss ed or i m p li ed by the f orward- l oo ki ng s tatement s . For deta il s about the s e r isks , p l ea s e s ee our SE C f ili ng s . Al l forward- l o o ki n g s ta t e m e n ts c on t a i n e d i n this pr e s ent a t i on s p eak o n l y as o f the da te here o f , a nd ex c ept a s r e qu i red by l aw, we a s su m e no ob l igation to up d ate th e se f orwa r d- l o o ki ng s tatemen t s whether as a re s u l t of any new i n f or m at i on, f uture e v ent s , c hanged ci r c u m s tan c es or otherwi s e. Th i s p r e s e ntation d oes not con s t i t ute an o ffer to s e l l s e curit i e s i n cl u d i ng but n ot li m i t ed to w i t h i n a ny juri s d i ct i on in wh ic h the s a l e o f su c h s e curit i e s wou l d be u n l a w f u l . T h e i n f or m ation set f or t h he r ein has not been rev i ewed, approved or d is approved, nor has the a cc ura c y or adequa c y of the i n f or m at i on s et f orth here i n been pa ss ed upon, by the SE C or any s tate s e c urit i es ad m i n is trator.

The Company has filed a Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-225147) (including a preliminary prospectus) with the SEC for the offering for which this presentation relates. The Registration Statement has not yet become effective. Before you invest, you should read the preliminary prospectus contained in the Company’s Registration Statement, any amendments or supplements thereto and other documents the Company has filed with the SEC for more complete information about the Company and this offering. The preliminary prospectus and the Registration Statement, as may be amended or supplemented from time to time, may be accessed through the SEC’s website at Alternatively, the Company or any dealer participating in the offering will arrange to send you the preliminary prospectus and any amendments or supplements thereto if you request it through Maxim Group LLC, 405 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10174, Attn: Syndicate Department or by Tel: (212) 895-3745.  This presentation contains statistics and other data that has been obtained from or compiled from information made available by third party service providers. The Company has not independently verified such statistics or data. The information presented in this presentation is as of July 10, 2018 unless indicated otherwise.




Cor p o r ate Prof i le


CLIA – CAP accredited laboratory located in San Diego Patented technology used for liquid biopsy in cancer Providing actionable information to help physicians make  treatment decisions  NASDAQ: BIOC, Listed 2014 Market Cap: +/- $15M Shares Out: 68.5M ADTV: ~1,500K High concordance to tissue biopsy Collaborations and partnerships with renowned institutions Planned development of IVD kits for global distribution and use Biocept Completing the answer




In v e s tment High l ig h ts


Liquid Biopsy Market Estimated at $10+ Billion


Potential to improve cancer patient outcomes


Advantages of a simple blood test vs. tissue biopsy (convenience, repeatability, feasibility
benefits, reduced cost and fewer complications)

Test Menu Focused Only on Actionable Information


Unique CTC and ctDNA testing


Enables detection and monitoring of clinically-validated biomarkers listed in NCCN Guidelines

Industry-Leading Test Performance


Multiple clinical studies, publications, and presentations support Biocept’s proprietary Target
Selector™ platform

Opportunities for Value-Creating Strategic Partnerships


Potential for U.S. and Global Transactions


Commercial and Technology Partnerships

Strong Revenue Growth and Health Plan Reimbursement


4-year Revenue CAGR of 236%*


Indicative of platform validation and market potential


Cost-effective liquid biopsy testing

Evolution Toward Distributed Business Model


Actively growing Pathology Partnership (ie TC-PC) business


Target Selector Kits for both CTC and ctDNA platforms

*FY2014 through FY2017 and includes conversion to accrual revenue recognition in 1Q 2017




Anti c i p at e d Mil e s t o n es Ne x t 1 2 Months


Inc r ea s e mar k et pen e tration into eme r ging liquid biop s y s e gment

En t er into str a tegic c o mmer c ial and tech n ology pa r tner s h ips Global and U.S.

S ign addit i onal E mpower TC agreements with pathologis t s and major hos p i t als

  Validate Oncomine™ NGS Panel; Become Thermo Fisher Liquid Biopsy Center of Excellence

Grow sales of blood collection tubes under VWR marketing and distribution agreement

Sign new thir d - pa r ty health plan ag r eemen t s and expand r e lationship with B CBS

P ublish clinical ca s e studies

Lau n ch additional on c ology bioma r k e r a s s a ys




Patients Diagnosed with Cancer in the US



» O v er 1.68 m illi on new c an c er ca s es i n 2017

» Brea s t, l ung, and CRC a cc ount for >3 6 % of all new c ases of c ancer

» More than 610,000 p eop l e w il l d i e of c an c er i n 2017

» Brea s t, l ung, and CRC a cc ount for >4 1 % of all c ancer r elated deaths

»   S o u rc e: A m erican Cancer S o c i ety 2 0 17 SEE R S ta ti s t i c s

Estimated New Cases Prostate 161,360 19% Breast 252,710 30% Lung & bronchus 116,990 14% Lung & bronchus 105,510 12% Colon & rectum 71,420 9% Colon & rectum 64,010 8% Urinary bladder 60,490 7% Uterine corpus 61,380 7% Melanoma of the skin 52,170 6% Thyroid 42,470 5% Kidney & renal pelvis 40,610 5% Melanoma of the skin 34,940 4% Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 40,080 5% Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 32,160 4% Leukemia 36,290 4% Leukemia 25,840 3% Oral cavity & pharynx 35,720 4% Pancreas 25,700 3% Liver & intrahepatic bile duct 29,200 3% Kidney & renal pelvis 23,380 3% All Sites 836,150 100% All Sites 852,630 100% Estimated Deaths Lung & bronchus 84,590 27% Lung & bronchus 71,280 25% Colon & rectum 27,150 9% Breast 40,610 14% Prostate 26,730 8% Colon & rectum 23,110 8% Pancreas 22,300 7% Pancreas 20,790 7% Liver & intrahepatic bile duct 19,610 6% Ovary 14,080 5% Leukemia 14,300 4% Uterine corpus 10,920 4% Esophagus 12,720 4% Leukemia 10,200 4% Urinary bladder 12,240 4% Liver & intrahepatic bile duct 9,310 3% Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 11,450 4% Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 8,690 3% Brain & other nervous system 9,620 3% Brain & other nervous system 7,080 3% All Sites 318,420 100% All Sites 282,500 100%




Our Team has a Deep & Successful History of Commercializing Innovation




Michael Nall

President & CEO


• 25+ years in healthcare sales, marketing and commercial operations

• 16 years in cancer diagnostics and genomics

• Most recently General Manager N. American Sales and Marketing for Clarient — a GE Healthcare Company






Tim Kennedy

CFO & SVP of Operations


• 30+ years of financial experience, 25+ years in the clinical diagnostics industry

• Instrumental in 2.1B restructuring of Millennium Health, a privately-held urine drug lab

• Numerous senior management positions – helped transform PLUS Diagnostics into largest independent U.S pathology lab; merged National Health Labs and Roche Biomedical Labs to form LabCorp






Lyle Arnold, Ph.D.



• Senior R&D leadership at Gen-Probe, Incyte Genomics, Genta

• Founder/ Co-founder Oasis Biosciences, Molecular Biosystems, Aegea Biotechnologies

• Former faculty member, UCSD School of Medicine and member, UCSD Cancer Center

• 50 issued US and more than 160 issued and pending patents worldwide






Veena Singh, MD

SVP & Sr. Medical Director


• Board certified AP/CP and Molecular Pathology, UCSD, Cedars Sinai trained

• Numerous publications, serves on CAP committees

• Most recently Medical Director – bioTheranostics






Michael Terry

SVP, Commercial Operations


• 25+ years commercial leadership experience in molecular Dx and med-tech companies

• Former GE Healthcare executive, certified in Six Sigma

• Recent experience in liquid biopsy field; EVP commercial operations at both Sequenom and Trovagene




B i oce p t is Guid e d by a B o ard of V is i on a ries & Sc i entific In f l u enc e rs



Board of Directors



Clinical Advisory Board



David F. Hale


Bruce E. Gerhardt, CPA


Lee Schwartzberg, MD


David Carbone, MD




Director, Member Audit Committee


Chief, Division of Hematology Oncology;


Director, James Thoracic Center, James






Professor of Medicine, University of


Cancer Hospital and Solove Research








Institute, Ohio State University


M. Faye Wilson, CPA, MBA


Ivor Royston, MD






Lead Independent Director, Chair


Director, Chair – Science and






Audit Committee, Member


Technology Committee, Member


Jenny Chang, MD


Michael Kosty, MD


Compensation Committee, Member


Nominating and Governance


Director, Methodist Hospital Cancer


Scripps Clinic Torrey Pines, San Diego


Nominating and Governance




Center, Houston, Texas




















Marsha A. Chandler, PhD


Bruce A. Huebner


Edgardo Santos, MD


Melissa Johnson, MD


Director, Chair - Nominating and


Director, Chair – Compensation


Medical Director, Lynn Cancer Institute,


Medical Oncologist, Nashville, Tennessee


Governance Committee, Member


Committee, Member – Science


Boca Raton, Florida




Science and Technology Committee


and Technology Committee,








Member – Audit Committee










Fred Hirsch, MD, PhD


Santosh Kesari, MD, PhD


Michael W. Nall




CEO, Int’l Assoc.of Study of Lung Cancer;


Chair, Dept. of Translational Neuro-oncology


Director, President & CEO




Professor of Medicine, University of


and Neurotherapeutics, John Wayne Cancer








Institute, Santa Monica California






Scientific Advisory Board



David Berz, MD, PhD




Beverly Hills Cancer Center




David Rimm, MD, PhD


Marileila Garcia, PhD


Chief Medical Officer – Valkyrie




Professor of Pathology and Medicine


Professor, University of Colorado Division






(Oncology) Yale University School of


of Medical Oncology


Beverly Hills, CA















Pot e nt i al L i q u id Bio p sy Glo b al Ma r k e t Op p o r tu n ity


Liquid Biopsy market segments Today Emerging Future Future Profiling Monitoring Companion Diagnostics Screening including detection of asymptomatic patients ~$9B worldwide market by 2020* ~$2B worldwide market by 2020* ~$5B worldwide market by 2020* ~$7B worldwide market by 2020* “We sized the [global] market opportunity for liquid biopsy as $22B by 2020…” *J.P. Morgan Industry Report - May 27, 2015




Mole c ul a r Profi l ing of Canc e r Biomar k ers

The Sta n d a rd of C a re in P e rso n a l iz e d T re a tme n t


Target Selector Biopsy ctDNA CTCs Tissue Biopsy Personalized Molecular Assays Identification of Molecular Biomarkers Required to Qualify Patients for Targeted Therapy




Per s o n a l i z ed T r e atm e nt Imp r o v ed Out c om e s


5-Year Relative Survival By Year of Diagnosis (All Cancer Sites) 75.0% 70.0% 65.0% 60.0% 55.0% 50.0% 45.0% 40.0% 1975-1977 1978-1980 1981-1983 1987- 1989 1990-1992 1993-1995 1996-1998 1999-2001 2003-2006 2007-2013 2004 2013 the overall cancer death rate in the united stated fell by Evolution of Targeted Therapies for Cancer Treatment NCI Cancer Statistics   Herceptin Tarceva Erbitux Zelboraf Xalkori Gilotrif Tagrisso Keytruda Opdivo




Matching Cancer Patients to Personalized Therapy Remains Challenging





Lives are lost… Cancer proliferates… Time elapses… Treatment effective Treatment not effective Treatment not effective Treatment effective Dollars are wasted… Resources spent… Time elapses…





Legacy Cancer Diagnostic Tools Do Not Tell The Complete Story














Traditional Surgical Biopsy


Required for diagnosis

Considered standard of care

Source of cancer (histology)

Results for all known oncogenic alterations

Analysis of whole cells


Invasive – not appropriate for monitoring

Risk of adverse events


Often inadequate for complete molecular


Only 57% of tissue biopsies have sufficient

tissue for analysis

Can take as much as 30 days for results

  Heterogeneity of tumor can lead to false


Does not account for evolving cancer over time

– snapshot view














$15,000 to $45,000




NGS Based Liquid Biopsy Panels


Real time

Non-invasive – appropriate for profiling

Faster availability of results


Cannot deliver information on all biomarkers

Varying sensitivity and specificity by biomarker


Non-clinically actionable information

One size fits all approach – not individualized

Based solely on DNA fragments – ctDNA

Target market – medical oncology only

















Bio c e p t So l v e s the Pro b l e m by Com b i n i n g the Be s t of B oth W o r l d s



Target Selector Biopsy – Completing the Answer TM


The Biocept Advantage




      Combined results from whole cells (CTCs) and ctDNA from a single blood sample












      Enables results for all types of oncogenic alterations including SNVs, Indels, Fusions, CNVs, and Protein Expression










      Turnaround in 7 days or less enabling targeted therapy to move into frontline


  Cost = $1,200







      Individually validated all alterations – delivers high concordance with tissue









      Marketed as single tests or profiles enables personalized results for each patient










      Value – pay for individual and/or actionable alterations only










      Reimbursement advantages










      Addresses challenges of tumor heterogeneity










      Real time results versus static snapshots










      Non-invasive - appropriate for both profiling and monitoring







Patient Case Study – Biocept’s Testing Provides “The Gift of Time”




Biocept’s Target Selector Enables Personalized Treatment for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patient After Tissue Biopsy Proves Inadequate




Biopsy yields insufficient tissue for biomarker testing Jan 2014 Disease progression confirmed biopsy tissue insufficient for biomarker testing Nov 2014 Biocept’s liquid biopsy detects ALK Translocation Dec 1, 2014 Patient progresses liquid biopsy ordered Biocept liquid biopsy ordered again ALK not detected June 2016 3 cycle of chemo plus cyberKnife therapy completed May 2014 Crizotinib Nivolumab Female patient with history of cancer Jan 2014 Physician orders biocept EGFR and ALK liquid biopsy tests Nov 21, 2014 18months progression free survival on crizotinib June 2016 Patient continues to thrive after several rounds of personalized treatment      





Hig h ly Rel e v a nt T e s t M e n u :

In d ustry L e a d i n g Ass a y s T rust e d by C l i n ic i a n s, P a tie n ts, a n d P a y ers



15 Actionable Biomarkers Found in the Guidelines



Target Selector CTC

Target Selector ctDNA


HER2*, ER*, FGFR1, AR, PDL1, PR*

ESR1 mutations






EGFR*, KRAS*, BRAF* mutations,

ALK mutations


EGFR amplification

KRAS*, BRAF*, NRAS* mutations


AR , ARv7




BRAF*, NRAS* mutations


 * In NCCN guidelines

Biomarkers currently available for clinical use

Biomarkers under development




Industry-Leading Assay Performance





Controlled Validation Concordance (standard criteria) – 99.3%


CTC Biomarkers + ctDNA Analytical Validation

CTC Biomarkers + ctDNA Analytical Combined


Data Size (N)






4610/4641 (99.3%)












Concordance to Tissue (real-world experience) - 87%


CTC Biomarkers + ctDNA Clinical Validation

CTC Biomarkers + ctDNA Clinical Combined


Data Size (N)






354/407 (87%)













Premier Commercial Platform




Completing the answer Biocept  26 issued patents  Comprehensive high- performance NCCN Test offering Evolution to Distributed Kit Model EmpowerTC  tm Pathology partner ship  Strong Growth Driven By Effective Commerical Team  Increasing  Reimbursement  Opportunity for cost leadership  






Differentiated Product Offerings




CTCs / Whole Cells




Collection Tube


Partnership Strategy

Genomic Health





Epic Sciences






Medicine (FMI)




Guardant Health





Biocept (BIOC)

Biocept Advantage


Leading company commercializing both CTCs and ctDNA from a single blood sample


Demonstrated high concordance with tissue


Assays for most appropriate tumor target from blood for each biomarker


Blood more likely to contain intact cells and is less fragmented than other fluids such as urine


Broad, international patent coverage


Cost and reimbursement advantages  




Biocept IP Portfolio




Family 1




MicroChannel for CTC Capture


1) Issued in US with 11 international counterparts


   Patent 1 – Recovery of rare cells using microchannel


   China – Korea – China - France – Germany – Great Britain


   Patent 2 – Device for Cell Separation


Italy – Spain – Hong Kong – Japan – pending Aus. – Can.




2) Issued in US







Family 2




CTC Capture With Antibody Cocktail


1) Issued in US with 8 international counterparts


   Patent 1 – Devices & Methods of Cell Capture


   Aus. – France – Germany – Great Britain – Spain – Italy – Hong




Kong - Japan – pending in Can - China


   Patent 2 – Method and Reagents for Signal


2) Issued in US, Japan, and China - 4 international cases








   Canada – Europe - Hong Kong –Korea







Family 3




Collection Tube


1) Issued in US


Patent 1 – Use of DU for Anti-Clumping of Biological













Family 4




Switch Blockers for ctDNA Analysis


1) Issued in US, Australia, and China with 4 international


Patent 1 – Methods for Detecting Nucleic Acid




Sequence Variants


Europe – Japan – Hong Kong – Korea – Brazil


Extensive IP portfolio expected to allow Biocept to monetize IP through out-
licensing and moving to distributed model based on developing diagnostic kits




Market Development



Customer Focus

     Target select cancer center regions

     Focus on community oncologists (80% of cancer care)

     Partner with integrated delivery networks and local pathologists

Commercial team

     Experienced leadership

     Regionally based team with significant oncology sales experience

     Managed care expertise

Current Salesforce Coverage Sales Mgt. Sales Exec 14 NCCN Center direct sales representatives in the field




Commercial Adoption



     Executing on strategy to contract with major cancer treatment institutions, GPOs, and distributors

     Increasing patient access

     Accelerating adoption of liquid biopsy

     Leveraging sales and marketing resources by increasing awareness of Biocept’s liquid biopsy platform within large health systems

     Roll out new tests and service offerings including molecular pathology partnering model (ie ―TC-PC‖)





“AND” Campaign Debut at ASCO 2017



Biocept Completing the Answer Target Selector TM Liquid Biopsy Increasing Targeted Therapies via Liquid Biopsy eating cancer patients, it’s no longer an either/or world. At Biocept, we’re all about the AND… It’s time to consider molecular information from both tissue AND blood. Biocept is the industry’s first to offer cancer biomarker testing using both ctDNA AND CTCs. Focused on approved NCCN biomarkers, Biocept’s tests include targeted therapy AND immunotherapy markers. Visit Booth #25160 to learn about Biocept’s Liquid Biopsy Technology.




EmpowerTC™ Launch at CAP 2017


Biocept Compelting the Answer TM Empower TC TM Tech-Only Liquid Biopsy Empowering Local Pathologists With World-Class Diagnostics the first in the industry to offer cancer biomarker testing using both ctDNA AND CTCs. Biocept offers specialized tests for approved nccn biomarkers, including targeted therapy and immunotherapy markes. Ctdna braf egfr kras nras ctc alk ar er fgfr1 her2 met pd l1 pr ret ros1 ctc count Our World-Class Lab. Your Expertise. Partner with Biocept for Tech-Only Services that combine our leading CTC Testing Technology with Your Local Knowledge. ALK Gene Rearrangement by FISH:DETECTED (1CTC/16 ml) Case Study:Biocept's liquid Biopsy Enables Personalized Treatment for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patient After Tissue Biopsy Proves Inadequate. Customer Service 888-332-7729 • FAX 877-300-1761 Biocept,Inc. 5810 Nancy Ridge Drive,San Diego, CA 92121 C) 2017 Biocept.lnc.. All rights reserved. Target Selector is a trademark of Biocept,Inc. NCCN Guidelines is registered trademark of National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc... mktg-0036-02





Collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific



  Seek to Validate Thermo Fisher Oncomine™ NGS Panel in Biocept’s CLIA-certified laboratory

  Once validated, Biocept to be designated as Thermo Fisher Liquid Biopsy ―Center of Excellence‖ for oncology-focused liquid biopsy initiatives with the companies jointly pursuing various commercial opportunities

  Initially target the pharmaceutical industry to provide diagnostic testing services for drug development, clinical trial support, and companion diagnostics (CDx)

  Collaboration also intends to evaluate the feasibility of developing best-in-class products based on the integration of Biocept’s Target Selector™ technology with Thermo Fisher’s Ion Torrent™ NGS platform and Oncomine™ liquid biopsy-based NGS panels.

Thermo Fisher scientific Agreement in Place for Technology & Commercial Collaboration biocept completing the answer




Health Plan Access Continues to Expand with Third Party Contracts




  Managed Care agreements i n p l a c e c o v ering > 200 m i lli on liv es

  Ded ic ated managed c are l eadersh i p w i th y ears of e x perien c e from G E, LabCorp and Quest

  Pa y o r s have po si t iv e c overage for biomarkers listed in guidelines

  Aligns with goals of healthcare reform

  Improved outcomes while reducing costs

  Utilize established CPT codes

Multiplan imagine more… acpn America's Choice Provider Network fedmed bluecross blueshield stratose TM people analytics results medincrease health plans tm scripps three rivers trpn provider network galaxy health network fortified provider network biocept completing the answer




Deploying Capital To Fuel Accelerated Gro wth




Annual Revenue Development Commercial$5.5 $5.0 $4.5 $4.0 $3.5 $3.0 $2.5 $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 FY 2014 $0.1 FY 2015 $0.6 FY 2016 $3.2 FY 2017 $5.1 Annual Patient Samples 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 FY 2014 661 FY 2015 2,030 FY 2016 4,540 FY 2017 5,051 Commercial Development Research/Evals Note: FY 2017 includes $1.2M related to revenues recognized upon the receipt of payment. Biocept completing the answer





Biocept – Execution of Value Creation Strategy



  Investment in technology development of over $100M resulting in full commercialization

  Liquid Biopsy moving from early adopter orders to mainstream clinician orders for profiling.

  First liquid biopsy (plasma based EGFR testing) now in NCCN guidelines – will increase routine adoption (―AND‖ campaign)

  Early adopters now using for monitoring for response or progression indicating that the broader group will follow over coming year

  14 sales representatives in the field – driving deeper market penetration

  Only liquid biopsy company to market to oncologist and pathologist by providing value to both, with a goal of standardization at the institutional level

  Paid today by payors as coverage policies exist for Biocept menu, therefore generating revenue – per accession revenue of approx $1000 - $1200.

  At beginning of 2016, approx 5% of the cash needs provided by operations, 2017 approx 17%


Today Central Lab Collection Tube Commercialization Pathology Partnership 2018 IVD Kit Development 2019 Distributed IVD Kit Platform biocept completing the answer












Patented Tar get Selector™ Platform Enables

both CTC and ctDNA Analysis




  CTCs obtained through our platform can be used to molecularly characterize tumor cells and evaluate changes in protein expression with the same techniques done in tissue.

  The same specimen can be microscopically analyzed for DNA and protein targets.

  All CTC tests are enumerated and can be used in monitoring applications.

Antibody Cocktail CTC Isolation CEE-Sure™ Blood Collection Tube for CTCs and ctDNA Patented Microfluidic Channel Detection, Enumeration and Biomarker Analysis all in the Channel FISH for Rearrangements Copy Number Variations ICC for Proteins Buffy Coat CTCS Plasma ctDNA Red Blood Cells





Patented Target Selector™ Platform Enables both CT C and ctDNA Analysis



       Performing PCR upfront and then sequencing delivers added confidence to final result.

       Switch-Blocker technology enriches oncogene mutations and suppresses wild type DNA resulting in ultra-high sensitivity and specificity.

       All ctDNA tests are quantitative and can be used to monitor mutation load.

       NGS technology allows multiplexing capabilities and future panel development.

Palsma ctdna buffy coat ctcs red blood cells DNA Isolation Patented Switch- Blocker Technology Multiplex Selector Enrichment PCR NGS Sanger Sequencing CEE-Sure™Blood Collection  Tube for CTCs and ctDNA  qPCR Mutation Detection





Biocept Publications, Posters, and Abstracts




42 Scientific/Clinical Presentations

       9 Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications and 3 Published Case Reports

       23 Poster Presentations at Leading Scientific/Clinical Meetings

       1 Technology Description

       6 Abstracts: Scientific/Clinical Meetings





Partners in Establishing Clinical Utility



       Collaborations with major cancer centers

       Participating in medical meetings and symposia

       Engaging KOL Advisors

       Building relationships with patient advocacy groups  

       Expanding strategic partnerships with pharma and biotech for personalized diagnostics






Landmark Clinical Trial for Liquid Biopsy



The Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute (ALCMI) is an international research consortium driving clinical research via a world-class team of investigators from 25 member institutions in the U.S. UK, and Europe. It is supported by a dedicated centralized research infrastructure including standardized biorepositories and data systems.


      400 Lung Cancer Patients

      25 Treatment Sites (U.S. and International)

      1 Year Study Duration Evaluating Clinical Utility of Biocept Liquid Biopsy Testing

      Up to 2,400 Liquid Biopsy Data Points

      Key Endpoints:

      Demonstrate Concordance vs. Tissue

      Evaluate Response To Drug Therapy

      Identify Resistance Mechanisms

      Predict Treatment Failure Early





Achievements Since Going Public





      Revenue of $5.1M in FY 2017

$0 Revenue

      In-house billing and collections


      26 Issued Patents


      16 Members on Commercial Team (14 sales reps)


      Multiple health plan agreements signed including BCBS plans covering over 200M lives


      4 Pharma Agreements


      Nearly 30 ongoing clinical studies & numerous published papers and presentations at medical and scientific conferences

Less than 6

      Multitudes of patients helped











Contact: David Moskowitz, Investor Relations

Email:; Phone: 858-320-8244



Historical Stock Chart
From Mar 2024 to Apr 2024 Click Here for more Biocept Charts.
Historical Stock Chart
From Apr 2023 to Apr 2024 Click Here for more Biocept Charts.