A super-fast and innovative FREE door-to-door travel search engine to get instantly all flight routes, schedules and ticket prices, to go from anywhere to anywhere

Cheapest and fastest routes to get from A to B:

kenavo.com.tw helps travelers to get from A to B by calculating in less than 1 second, all of the possible flight routes, between two places (cities, villages, islands). It displays the best options in terms of flight time, driving time to the airport and ticket cost.

The purpose is to find the best compromise between the cheapest flight and the shortest door-to-door journey time.

For any given flight itinerary, travelers know whether it is better to leave on a Saturday morning instead of a Friday evening, or perhaps to leave from a different airport nearby.

A car itinerary can also be offered as an alternative to the plane where relevant.

"Sometimes, it’s better to travel a bit further to get to an airport where the competition between different airlines, and/or the presence of budget airlines lowers the price of flights to certain destinations,” remarked Guillaume Paillet, founder of Kenavo.com.tw

Instant access to flight schedules for any destination worldwide:

kenavo.com.tw displays in less than 1 second, monthly flight schedules between any place of departure and destination worldwide.

Because there is no need to enter specific departure/return dates to get schedules, Kenavo is much faster than traditional travel search engines.

Estimated price for any flight ticket, in less than 1 second:

Kenavo relies on a statistics database of over 650 million airplane tickets sold in the last three years, to provide in less than 1 second, a reliable estimate of the price of flight tickets for any destination.

About Kenavo.com.tw:

Kenavo was founded by Guillaume Paillet (CEO) and Jean-Christophe Janicot (CTO), who previously jointly founded Alibabuy, a major travel search engine in Europe.

Kenavo has been expanding rapidly and is already established in 15 countries (US, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, South Africa, France, UK, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Taiwan, China, New Zealand and Japan).

Website : https://www.kenavo.com.tw

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/kenavoComTwitter : https://twitter.com/KenavocomGoogle+ : https://plus.google.com/+Kenavocom

KenavoGuillaume PAILLET, +33 950 134 489gp@kenavo.com.tw